
Welcome to Boots Belts and Beyond! I'm Krishan, a dedicated sports enthusiast with a passion for data-driven storytelling and a deep love for the beautiful game and the sports industry at large.

Sport has always been at the heart of my life, not just as a source of entertainment, but as a way to develop a strong sense of discipline, resilience, and mental wellbeing. This passion has shaped my career path, guiding me toward the dynamic world of sports management, data analytics, and marketing.

After completing a Master’s degree in International Sports Management at the Global Institute of Sport, I have been on a journey to explore the many facets of the sports industry. My academic experiences have been complemented by hands-on internships that have allowed me to build a solid foundation in sports content creation, data analysis, and digital marketing.

Throughout my Master’s program, I completed several in-depth projects, including a marketing report on a potential venture into Senegal for Chelsea, an analysis of Wimbledon’s sustainability initiatives, and a detailed information memorandum on Brentford FC. My dissertation explored the impact of financial restrictions on the competitive balance in Formula 1, utilizing quantitative data to draw meaningful conclusions. These projects have reinforced my belief in the power of data and analytics to drive strategic decisions in sports. All of these projects can be found in my blog section.

At Boots Belts and Beyond, I aim to combine my love for sports with my expertise in data analysis to offer fresh insights and thoughtful perspectives on the ever-evolving world of sports. Here, you'll find articles, reports, and content that reflect my passion for sports and my commitment to bringing data-driven analysis to the forefront of the conversation.

Thank you for visiting! I hope you enjoy exploring the content here as much as I enjoy creating it.